BSUQ Events 10 - Side

Climbing the Corporate AI Ladder presented by DeepLearning.AI and Fourth Brain


Climbing the Corporate AI Ladder presented by DeepLearning.AI and Fourth Brain will discuss ways to help you advance your career in AI.

The webinar will feature accomplished AI professionals and discuss:

  • What are the AI career pathways that you can look at?
  • What are the skills that you need to build?
  • What are the requirements if you want to switch to a managerial role?

Join us for this online event on Wednesday 5th May from 20:00- 21:00 Qatar time (GMT +3)

The official language will be English

For further details and registration information please visit the official event website.



Please click on the link and reach out to our experts and specialists to introduce your event. It would be our pleasure to publish it for others!

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